
Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness: The proportion of target customers that recall a brand. Realization by a consumer of the existence and availability of a particular product. Brand awareness is a common measure of marketing communications effectiveness. Unaided awareness is spontaneous; aided or prompted awareness is when the name is recognized among others that are listed or identified.

Brand Audit

Brand Audit: A comprehensive and systematic examination of all collateral (both tangible and intangible) which relates to a brand.

Brand Attributes

Brand Attributes: Functional or emotional associations that are assigned to a brand by its customers and prospects. Brand attributes can be either negative or positive and can have varying degrees of relevance and importance to different customer segments.


Frequency (aka Average Opportunities to See) is the average number of times an advert has been exposed to a specified television audience or universe.


Brand: A unique and identifiable symbol, association, name, or trademark which serves to differentiate competing products or services. Both a physical and emotional trigger to create a relationship between consumers and the product/service.

Word Association

Word Association is a form of projective technique where participants are presented with a list of words and, after each word, they are asked to say the first word that comes into their minds.


Weighting is when the responses from some (or all) sub-groups are assigned a statistical weight to reflect the importance of the sub-group in the population of interest.

Weighted Sample

Weighted Sample is a sample to which weighting has been applied.


Wave is a single mailing or group of interviews conducted at about the same time. A research study or survey may consist of several waves.


Variable is a property that takes on different values at different times.

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