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Consumer sensory experiences are difficult if not impossible to measure. This is largely true: most people (or „consumers‟) are simply unable to describe their sensory experiences, and many descriptions they offer are demonstrated, time and again, to be either unreliable (even dangerous) or unusable by R&D and marketing. So how can we know how to configure our product and service AND maintain consumer feedback in the development process?
Sensory evaluation offers huge opportunities to innovators because results can be a great source of inspiration and a potential game-breaker, particularly if you try developing a brand and product “out” from the emotions elicited by sensory experiences rather than “in” from chemistry and so-called “needs‟.
Via Optipro® we are able objectively to identify and describe which sensory attributes drive consumer preference – and in doing this we can deliver more accurate, efficient, and actionable feedback concerning people’s (often unconscious) response to sensory stimuli.
Optipro® delivers because we split subjectivity: people’s responses in an acceptance test, from objectivity: attribute description and intensity measurement by trained panelists, and then use the two separate data sets to generate solutions for R&D and marketing. This means we can ask consumers only those questions that people are able to answer – i.e. ‘how much I like’. This avoids subjective emotional interferences (what does “too sweet” mean?) and overcomes people’s highly variable ability to express what they are experiencing.
Major benefits/applications:
Support marketing and R&D / PD teams
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