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22 Jan 2023
Recently, the Ministry of Finance published a draft regulation on the fee rates, fee collecting regulations, payment, management and usage of driving test fees, certificates of operation on vehicles, and fees for registration and issuance of specialized motorcycles.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance proposed to increase the driving test fee from 10,000 to 50,000 VND (equivalent to 10-15%), depending on vehicle class. With motorcycle driving test (class A1, A2, A3, A4); fees for theory test shall increase from 40,000 VND to 60,000 VND, and fees for practical driving test shall increase from 50,000 VND to 70,000 VND. With car driving test (class B1, B2, C, D, E, F), fees for theory test increase shall from 90,000 VND to 100,000 VND; fees for the practical driving test in test fields shall increase from 300,000 VND to 350,000 VND; fees for practical tests on public roads shall increase from 60,000 VND to 80,000 VND; and fee for driving simulator test shall be 100,000 VND.
The total testing fees for motorcycles of A1, A2, A3, A4 classes shall increase from 90,000 to 130,000 VND. For cars of B1, B2, C, D, E, F classes shall increase from 450,000 to 630,000 VND.
Explaining the reason for the increase, the Ministry of Finance said that the current rates for driving tests are no longer suitable with the current situation due to many fluctuations in prices. The current driving test fee is issued on the basis of Circular 23 issued by the Ministry of Finance since 2013.
In addition, the legal system document on driving test activities has added and amended many new contents about requiring modernization such as regulations on installing road test equipment, adding parallel parking test for B1 and B2 vehicles, installing surveillance cameras, and driving test centers must invest in equipment to install and implement driving test simulator software.
Once approved, the new driver’s testing fee will take effect in quarter II this year.
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