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Laboratory Test Market is a simulated market-place situation for new products where consumers are exposed to advertising and visit an experimental store where they may buy products under controlled conditions. Through follow-up interviews, focus groups and purchase patterns, the market shares for new products can be predicted.
Laboratory Experiment is one that is conducted in an artificial setting (where the internal validity is usually higher than the external validity).
Kurtosis is a measure of the relative peakedness or flatness of a distribution curve compared with a normal distribution. A positive Kurtosis value indicates that the distribution is more peaked than a normal distribution. A negative Kurtosis value indicates that the distribution is flatter than a normal distribution.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two-Sample Test is a non-parametric statistical test to determine whether two distributions are the same. The test takes into account differences in means, dispersion, and skewness.
Kolmogorov Smirnov One Sample test is a non-parametric goodness-of-fit test that compares the cumulative distribution function for a variable with a specified distribution, based on one sample.
Key Word Recording is a method used by interviewers to record answers to open-ended questions where only the important words and phrases are recorded.
Hypothesis testing is a statistical procedure used to compare a sample mean to a specified value or to compare a pair of sample means.
Home Use Test (aka Extended Use Test or Product Placement Test) involves participants evaluating products in their own homes, or more generally, in a natural usage environment. The purpose of the test is to make an evaluation of a product after more experience with it than just some initial use.
Home Audit (aka Pantry Check) is a survey where an interviewer enters a participant’s home to take an inventory of specific products present at that time.
The hierarchy-of-effects Model is a marketing behavioral response model consisting of stages through which a buyer is presumed to go, including awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, intention to buy, and purchase.
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