

Termination is when an interview is stopped before completion. This may occur for one of three reasons: (1) The respondent gives a non-qualifying response and the interviewer is instructed to TERMINATE AND TALLY. (2) The interviewer decides to stop the interview because of a language problem or disability on the part of the respondent. (3) […]


Tabulation is a frequency count of each question’s answers.  

Structured Questions (aka closed questions)

Structured Questions (aka closed questions) are those where the choice alternatives for respondents are all specified.

Stimulus Material

Stimulus Material: see prompt material.

Statistical Significance

Statistical Significance refers to whether some research results genuinely reflect a population of interest in some way or whether the results could occur by chance. Statistical significance is determined by comparing the research results with the values defined by the confidence interval.

Snowball Sampling

Snowball Sampling is a type of non-probability sampling where initial respondents are selected at random and subsequent respondents are then selected by referrals or information from the earlier respondents.


Skewness refers to the symmetry of a distribution. A skewed distribution is one where the mean, the median, and the mode have different values, whereas in a symmetrical distribution they all have the same value.

Significance Level

Significance Level (represented by a) is the maximum probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis (or committing a type I error) and it is equal to one minus the confidence level.

Show Cards

Show Cards are a type of prompt material in the form of cards with images that are shown to participants in research studies.

Sequential Sampling

Sequential Sampling is where the sample units are drawn one by one or in groups and the results of the drawing at any stage decide whether sampling is to continue.

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