

Respondent is the person who is interviewed by a researcher.

Research Design

Research Design is the framework for conducting a market research project that specifies how the information will be collected and analyzed to answer the questions at hand.

Research Brief

Research Brief: see Brief.

Representative Sample

Representative Sample is a sample that contains units in the same proportion as the population of interest.

Refusal Rate

Refusal Rate is the percentage of contact people who decline to co-operate with the research study.


Recruiting is the inviting of selected participants (who meet specific eligibility criteria) to take part in a research project. The work is undertaken by a field recruiter (often just referred to as a recruiter).


Recommendations are suggested courses of action or an assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of particular courses of action.


Reach is the proportion of a specified television audience or universe who have been contacted by an advert at least once.

Raw Data

Raw Data refers to data before analysis or weighting.


Rating is a procedure used to evaluate a concept, product, advertisement, etc where respondents are asked to select one response from a scale to indicate the degree of their opinion.

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